Mount Alvernia 2-bedder Delivery Cost

Mount Alvernia 2-bedder Delivery Cost

Mount Alvernia is very popular among expecting mothers for their staff professionalism and hospitality, especially during the critical labour period. They also offer affordable maternity package, full listing can be found here.


Below is a sample of the final bill for assisted delivery (2 bedder), 3 days 2 night. Total cost is $ 4,483.86 ($ 1,046.88 cash + $3436.98 medisave)


Cost for Maternity Package (Hospital + Doctor Fee) is $3,259.56, with $2,600 is payable by Medisave.

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Mt Alvernia Hospital Bill_Assisted Delivery_2-bedder_3D2N-page-003

The Nursery Package cost $1,224.30, $836.98 is payable using Medisave.

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Mt Alvernia Hospital Bill_Assisted Delivery_2-bedder_3D2N-page-005

Quite affordable price with good service by the Nurses!

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